ILM 2007 Certificate Management Customizations
ILM 2007, through its Certificate Management solution, or Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) as it used to be known, allows an organization to manage credentials within their Windows Server 2003 and 2008 certification authorities. It acts like an administrative proxy, allowing you issue and manage digital certificates and smartcards through a web interface.
The solution provides three different APIs (i.e. Provision, SQL and Notification) and a number of customizable interfaces, all of which allow you to customize CLM. This gives you the ability to greatly extend and expand the product's capabilities. For an overview of these APIs and interfaces, have a look at the Certificate Lifecycle Manager Overview on MSDN.
Over the next few postings, I'll be looking at these APIs and interfaces in greater detail, to show you how they work and how they could be put to use in your CLM deployment.
And I'd like to add a quick shout-out to David Lundell, over at ILM Best Practices, for getting on my case and getting this blog up and running. Thanks!
The solution provides three different APIs (i.e. Provision, SQL and Notification) and a number of customizable interfaces, all of which allow you to customize CLM. This gives you the ability to greatly extend and expand the product's capabilities. For an overview of these APIs and interfaces, have a look at the Certificate Lifecycle Manager Overview on MSDN.
Over the next few postings, I'll be looking at these APIs and interfaces in greater detail, to show you how they work and how they could be put to use in your CLM deployment.
And I'd like to add a quick shout-out to David Lundell, over at ILM Best Practices, for getting on my case and getting this blog up and running. Thanks!
This is a great start! I have always been looking for the links to the API's for CLM.