
Showing posts from 2009

Forefront Identity Manager 2010 RC1 Demo VHD Released

Microsoft has released a Hyper-V based demo of FIM 2010 RC1 Demo. You can find it here: Forefront(TM) Identity Manager 2010 RC1 Demo Virtual Hard Disk Image Props to Jorge over at Jorge 's Quest For Knowledge! for finding the link!

PowerShell 2.0 for Windows XP, Vista, 2003 and 2008

For those of you waiting to get the features available in PowerShell 2.0 (originally released with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2), your time has come. Microsoft has just released the Windows Management Framework, which includes: Windows PowerShell 2.0 Windows Remote Management (WinRM) 2.0 Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) 4.0 Lots of good stuff in there, so go take a look! Windows Management Framework on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008

ADFS 2.0 passes SAML 2.0 interoperability tests

You may not have noticed this in my previous posting, but ADFS 2.0 (formerly known as 'Geneva') has passed the Liberty Alliance SAML 2.0 Interoperability Testing, which means ADFS 2.0 can interoperate with heterogeneous environments and provide federation. You can find more information on the 'Geneva' Team Blog and on the Liberty Alliance Project site .

FIM 2010 RC1 is available for download!

Forefront Identity Manager 2010 RC1 has been released! The announcement can be found here: MSFT Identity and Access news: Forefront Identity Manager RC1 and ADFS 2.0 SAML interoperability You can find the download bits here: Forefrontâ„¢ Identity Manager 2010 Release Candidate 1

Fall has arrived...

Well, it's been awhile since my last posting. Since that time, summer has come and gone and we're now into the Fall season. Summer was quite busy. Back in July, I received the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award. I'd like to thank David Lundell, over at ILM Best Practice , for his nomination. I'm quite honoured to have received the award. I've worked on a number of ILM 2007 projects, both on the Certificate Management side as well as Identity Synchronization. A few of them are still on-going, keeping me very busy. One project involves FIM 2010; I'm quite keen to get my hands on RC1 to see what Microsoft has been working on for the last several months. It shouldn't be long now before it's released, if Microsoft holds to the Q3 2009 deadline.

Introducing Forefront Identity Manager 2010

It's official! Microsoft has finally settled on a name for ILM '2': Forefront Identity Manager 2010 or FIM for short. Check out its new home: Microsoft Forefront: Identity Manager 2010 . If you're interested, Brad Turner over at 1dent1ty cHa0s has a brief perspective on FIM's lineage . And if you haven't already heard, or figured it out, the target release date is Q1 2010 .

Internet Access to Shared Service

Michael Wittenburg, a colleague with MCS - UK, recently sent through a link to a case study of a project I was involved in with him. The Internet Access to Shared Service (IASS) project aimed to provide the UK Ministry of Defence with secure remote access to its line-of-business applications . You can find the case study here: Case Study - The Ministry of Defence . The IASS solution used combination of multiple products to enable the secure remote access, including: Microsoft Active Directory Directory Services Microsoft Intelligent Application Gateway (IAG) Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007 FP1 (ILM) Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006 Gemalto Chip & PIN (EMV) .Net Smart cards I spent quite a few weeks at the Microsoft Technolo...

ILM 2007 Certificate Management Customizations

ILM 2007, through its Certificate Management solution, or Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) as it used to be known, allows an organization to manage credentials within their Windows Server 2003 and 2008 certification authorities. It acts like an administrative proxy, allowing you issue and manage digital certificates and smartcards through a web interface. The solution provides three different APIs (i.e. Provision, SQL and Notification) and a number of customizable interfaces, all of which allow you to customize CLM. This gives you the ability to greatly extend and expand the product's capabilities. For an overview of these APIs and interfaces, have a look at the Certificate Lifecycle Manager Overview on MSDN. Over the next few postings, I'll be looking at these APIs and interfaces in greater detail, to show you how they work and how they could be put to use in your CLM deployment. And I'd like to add a quick shout-out to David Lundell, over at ILM Best Practices , f...